23. (20-0787) Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary for the Third Amendment to Lease No. 29995 between Long Beach Center, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Landlord), and the City of Long Beach (Tenant), for a six-month extension for City-leased office space at 420 Pine Avenue, Suite No. P-100, for the offices of certain veterans' organizations; and
Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Sublease No. 30276 with Arthur L. Peterson Post No. 27, Inc., The American Legion, Department of California, and Sublease No. 30277 with Long Beach Chapter No. 17, Disabled American Veterans, Inc. (collectively, Subtenants), for the sublease of City-leased office space at 420 Pine Avenue, Suite No. P-100. (District 1)