1. (21-1214) A. Recommendation to approve Existing Litigation - [Closed session
conference with legal counsel relating to existing litigation pursuant
to paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the
California Government Code.]
1. Workers' Compensation Claim of David Ebell
2. Workers' Compensation Claim of Stevaughn Matthews
(ADJ11004243; ADJ11003618);
3. Workers' Compensation Claim of Marshall Mcclain
(ADJ10787951; ADJ10620271; ADJUnassigned);
4. Pending Litigation - Patricia Thurman vs. City of Long Beach,
et al., Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. 19STCV15919; and
5. Proposed Settlement of Lawsuit entitled Executive Residence,
LLC vs. City of Long Beach, Los Angeles Superior Court,
Case No. BC688376.