This Discussion channel is currently closed.

The Long Beach Sustainable City Commission and the City of Long Beach Office of Sustainability are seeking public input on the prioritization of sustainability action items for the coming year (2016-2017). We invite you to engage with us in this ongoing discussion of sustainability priorities for the coming year.

We encourage you to take a look at the action items proposed in the Long Beach Sustainable City Action Plan (SCAP). Adopted by City Council in 2010, the SCAP is intended to guide operational policy and financial decisions to create a more sustainable Long Beach. The SCAP is organized by seven key focus areas with each focus area containing a list of sustainability action items. If there are specific actions you feel should be prioritized for this year, please address them in the Focus Area Topics listed below. We also welcome you to review the action items we prioritized this past year in our 2015-2016 Work Plan

In addition to your online feedback, we encourage you to attend a special public comment component of the Sustainable City Commission meeting on Thursday, August 25th from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in the City Council Chamber of City Hall at 333 W. Ocean Blvd. Members of the community will be able to address the Sustainable City Commission on the prioritization of sustainability action items. 

For more information about the Sustainable City Commission and the City of Long Beach Office of Sustainability, please visit:

Our transportation choices greatly impact sustainability and our quality of life. The initiatives in this section will focus on goals and actions to improve transit options, expand bicycle infrastructure, use and education, promote a less car dependent lifestyle and reduce portā€related air emissions.

3 Responses

Chanel M, Blogger & Avid Brisk Walker almost 8 years ago

Please make more Walking paths and Trails in Long Beach. Especially in low income areas so residents can feel safe when walking for health.

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Caitlin K almost 8 years ago

Expanding transit lines and enhancing bus stop amenities, further creating bicycle infrastructure, and expanding City bike share programs (particularly in low-income communities or on college campuses) would make alternative transportation more accessible and decrease dependence on automobiles. It also ties in with Buildings & Neighborhoods and other focus areas. Reducing emissions related to the port, airport, and City-affiliated vehicles (buses, street sweeping vehicles, etc.) should also be a priority, however.

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Lisa O almost 8 years ago

In addition to air quality and reducing emissions, maintaining noise levels to an acceptable level must continue to be enforced and protected to keep our neighborhoods livable. Decisions such as introducing international flights at the Long Beach airport must seriously consider sustainability. Not just building facilities that are incorporate green building standards but also the effects it will have on the livability of neighborhoods impacted by noise, how international flights support the local economy and whether such services are in keeping with the original intent of what a municipal airport was meant to be. Also whether it makes economic sense given LAX and OC already have such services. Decision making regarding this proposal must balance social, economic and environmental considerations.

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