In a continual effort to increase transparency, efficiency and participation, the City of Long Beach is preparing to launch its open data portal, OpenLB. The goal of OpenLB is to empower people to research, analyze and innovate using information important to their community.
Therefore, the City of Long Beach is committed to providing open data in a manner that is thoughtful and strategic. We would like the data to not only provide transparency, but to also provide value to citizens to use in new and innovative ways.
This is where you come in. We invite you to engage with us in providing input that can assist in the formation of our open data policies, procedures and in determining what data will be provided.
In addition to your online feedback, we encourage you to attend an upcoming Open Data forum. For dates and locations of the forums, view this flyer.
To complete a survey regarding your interest in Open Data, go to
Stay tuned for more information.
Roger Howard over 9 years ago
I've posted this before in other forums, but it captures my thoughts:
mike stewart over 9 years ago
Since it's difficult to know what data the public of Long Beach would like to access, I'd like to see Long Beach capitalize on the work of other cities, such as Los Angeles, to find out the types of data that they have exposed that is being accessed either frequently &/or en mass.
I'd also like to see any data that is already being shared privately with 3rd parties, such as 911/police call info, to be opened to the public.
Alicia DelCampo over 9 years ago
I'm trying to figure out how these discussions and forums are really an open venue for expression but there is no place to propose a topic or express an opinion. All forums and discussions are closed but this thread. How can we really "Speak up" if we want to propose a new topic?
Steve Updike over 8 years ago
How about banning dope in Long Beach?
When we are sick the doctor gives us some kind of drug to fix it. The doctor gave my mother “diet” pills, the street name is speed and he gave my father pain pills, the street name is dope and then they told me not to do dope, yet they were on legal dope. That is where people get the false idea that drugs are good. The reality is drugs are a temporary solution at best. Marijuana was my gateway drug to be becoming a drug addict. People on dope and dope dealers will say and do anything to get and push dope because they like to get high and make a lot of money. People like to feel good so they take dope, but the high does not last and they need more and more dope and soon the toxins add up and the drugs start to destroy people, physically, mentally and spiritually. Legalizing dope is like giving candy to babies whenever they cry for it, then they get sick and die. Drug merchants of death profit from the destruction of their victims. Now government in America wants to get in on the drug business by taxing dope. People say some governments are run by drug dealers and that they are using drugs to control the minds of people and that the CIA sold dope to make money for illegal covert operations. For the government to legalizing dope and go into business with drugs dealers so they can make dope tax money is madness. Legalizing dope will make life worse for everybody and we will all pay the price. Stop the insanity of making dope legal. There are people on illegal and legal drugs everywhere today who act and talk crazy because the dope and drugs makes them crazy. A society on dope will not survive. If America legalizes dope it will be the beginning of the end and we will be headed towards death and destruction. Terrorist grow dope and make harmful pills to sell to Americans to destroy them. Let me say that again, terrorist make dope and harmful pills that kill and destroy Americans. Stop legalizing dope if you want a future for yourself, your children and their children. Stop your greed for dope money and stop the terrorist who make dope and drugs that destroy people before it is too late.
AliciaRenee Tubman over 8 years ago
AliciaRenee Tubman over 8 years ago
AliciaRenee Tubman over 8 years ago